
Over the last few years I have been lucky enough to live in Thailand, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Colombia and now Brunei. In my spare time I have had the opportunity to travel fairly widely, camera in hand, in search of wildlife. In these posts I aim to share some of these experiences and show you some of the extraordinary wildlife that can be found in these regions. All of the photographs you see within the posts and pages here are my own unless otherwise stated. Copyright © Francis Burlingham 2015

Friday 28 June 2024

Hic Sunt Dracones

 Here there be dragons!

A few weekends ago I headed to Lagan Lalak and the Labi area to do a bit of exploring. Whilst walking up to Wasai Kong Kadir I came across this beautiful Bornean Forest Dragon. With its magnificent crest it does look like a miniature dragon.

Gonocephalus borneensis (Borneo Anglehead Lizard) Labi Brunei

Gonocephalus borneensis (Borneo Anglehead Lizard) Labi Brunei

The waterfall is a popular spot for a swim surrounded by the jungle.

Wasai Wong Kadir

Lagan Lalak Brunei

The Lalak lake is a black water lake that is allegedly home to crocodiles. However I saw none during my visit. I regularly see crocodiles however, in the rivers of Bandar. This one looked particularly dragon like as it rested at the waters edge.

Crocodylus porosus (Salt water crocodile) Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei

Crocodylus porosus (Salt water crocodile) Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei

Crocodylus porosus (Salt water crocodile) Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei

Brunei is host to a number of dragon like reptiles. The other ubiquitous dragon is the Asian water monitor lizard. Here photographed swinging in the river at the Tasek Lama park.

Varanus salvator (Water Monitor) Tasek Lama Brunei

Varanus salvator (Water Monitor) Tasek Lama Brunei

Another lizard that I encountered in Temburong National Park.

Bronchocela cristatella (GreenCrested Lizard) Temburong NP Brunei

This garden fence lizard is common in parks and gardens. This one was photographed hiding behind a tree trunk at Bukit Shahbandar.

Calotes versicolor  Bukit Shahbandar Brunei

Whist walking at Bukit Shahbandar I also found this bronze back snake which moved quickly through a palm.

Dendrelaphis caudolineatus(Striped bronzeback snake) Brunei

Dendrelaphis caudolineatus(Striped bronzeback snake) Brunei

This pair of bee eaters were also at Bukit Shahbandar.

Merops viridis (Blue throated bee eater Bukit Shahbandar Brunei

Merops viridis (Blue throated bee eater Bukit Shahbandar Brunei